It’s 2024! Setting goals, yet finding rest.
Hello friends. It’s 2024 and everyone is always excited to start with a new slate. Whether that is in health and wellness or elsewhere, starting fresh is always a good feeling. What goals are you setting for yourself for this year? These goals will look different for everyone. I have personally set some fitness goals, book reading goals, business goals, rest and reflection goals, and certification goals. You don’t want to set too many goals and you need to be specific with your goals. As we enter into 2024, don’t get caught up in the rat race of taking on too much. Setting goals also means having a healthy balance in all areas of life. We can strive to attain too many things without taking time to be thankful and reflect on all that we are given. I know for me, I have had a bad habit in the past of saying YES to way too many things. I am only one person and even though I may feel accomplished in doing many things, it doesn’t mean it is a good choice for me. I have learned that taking time to rest and focus on a few things is so much more important. Starting out this year, think about what you will commit to and what you will say NO to. In your calendar, make sure you schedule regular times of rest. When I say REST, I don’t mean always laying down and doing nothing, I mean, stop for 10-15 minutes and breathe, relax your shoulders, ground yourself in the present, and get out of the RUN, RUN, RUN pace of life. In order to stay focused and healthy, we must balance this rest aspect into our busy lives. So as you are looking at your calendar, schedule in 15 min each day to stop and refocus, check to see if you are on task with the few things you have committed to, or have you taken on too much. Are you feeling stressed, frazzled, like your running around with your hair on fire? Pay attention to how you’re speaking. Are you talking really fast? How is your breathing? Is it deep or shallow? These are all clues that can help you know at what pace you are living. Need help finding balance? Reach out to schedule one on one coaching sessions and start living a healthier, focused, and more relaxed pace of life. You can check out my website at or email me at
Many blessings and healthy living to you and yours.